
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a student in the school, please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team.

  • Mr D Askew, Deputy Headteacher is Designated Senior Lead
  • Ms R Birks and Miss G Francis are the Deputy Designated Leads
  • Mrs L Carline is Pastoral Support Worker

Please email them on if you have a concern about a student. This email is not regularly monitored during the school holidays. If you have an immediate safeguarding concern during this time, please contact the MASH directly (please see details below).

All disclosures made are assessed and reviewed with the best interests of the child and their safety as a first principle. The Safeguarding Team has very good working relationships with a wide range of external agencies including Social Care, GPs, Police, LCSS (Early Intervention Hub), (P)CAMHS, Oxfordshire LADO amongst others and may refer to these and other agencies in supporting children.

Our School Counsellor is Rachael Birks (MBACP). 

Rachael is available Monday-Friday 8am-4pm term time only.

She is available to students for appointments. Referrals can be made directly from the student, from parents, staff, and other professionals. Rachael can be contacted by email. 

Wood Green also works closely with the NHS. Our School Health Nurse is Mrs Jackie Jenkins. She is available for students and parents and assists in delivering health-related information to students.

She is available: Monday - Friday 9am-3pm term time only.

Referrals can be made directly from the individual student, from parents, staff, or other professionals.

Appointments can be made by contacting 01993 702355 or 774961.

Email: Mobile: 07557606976.

WGS Policy on Safeguarding and Child Protection

You may also contact the following if you are concerned about the welfare of a student or adult at Wood Green School:

OCC- Local Authority Designated Officer, Oxfordshire Safeguarding

Safeguarding web page

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a young person, you can make a referral to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 050 7666.

If you consider a child to be in immediate danger you should always phone 999.


The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (OSCB) has produced a useful leaflet if you are worried about child sexual exploitation.

Child Sexual Exploitation Leaflet

For missing children, you can visit Child Rescue Alert and register with this free nationwide missing child alert system, run by the National Crime Agency, the charity Missing People and technology company Groupcall.

A useful Key Points for Parents leaflet about drugs and alcohol and decision making, produced by West Oxfordshire Learning Partnership can be found here.

Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board

Child Rescue Alert

Updated: March 2023