Having made your A Level choices (or even when making them), you'll be faced with a bewildering array of choices if you wish to progress to Higher Education (university): what subjects could I read at university with the A Levels I've taken? What grades or points score will I need? Which is the best course for me? Which university?
- The University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is probably the best starting point for this. It offers students the facility to search for courses and details about entry requirements.
University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) - The Guardian newspaper also provides detailed information on universities and degree courses, which can be really useful in helping you decide where to go and what to study.Guardian University Guide.
- A thorough guide to the whole application process, and detailed impartial advice on choosing a university.
The Uni Guide - Specific advice for those seeking to apply to the most prestigious universities.
Russell GroupOxford UniversityCambridge University Study Medicine - The complete university guide allows you to look at universities based on specific statistics such as employability or student satisfaction, and ranks universities based on subjects.The Complete University Guide
- A thorough timeline of when universities offer open days and other key events.
Open days - Free information that can guide them when they apply to university. They help students with their application, personal statements, independent rankings, as well as advice on student finance, and what campus life is really like. University Compare
Information Evening
Please see below information from the Parents Higher Education Information Evening in May, with guidance from UCAS and UniTaster Days about applying to university and apprenticeships.
Parent Guide 2024
Higher Education 2024
Students Guide - Taster days 2024
Important Dates For University Entry 2024
- 22 September 2023: Internal deadline for Oxford & Cambridge,
(Veterinary, Medical and Dentistry) undergraduate course applications - 3 November 2023: Internal deadline for all other undergraduate course applications
- 15 October 2023: UCAS deadline for Oxford & Cambridge (Veterinary, Medical and Dentistry) undergraduate course applications
- 31 January 2024: UCAS deadline for the majority of undergraduate course applications
After university, what next? Whilst it may seem a very long way off, you'll be surprised about how quickly your time not only in Sixth Form, but also at university goes. Before you know it, you'll be in your final year of your degree and starting to apply for jobs. Or maybe you're one of those extremely rare, but forward-thinking students who wants to know that the A Levels and degree that they choose will make them highly employable. In either case visit the following websites:
Excellent sources of information, advice and guidance for students about graduate employment.
Prospects website
Explains what career options might fit with particular degree course subjects.Options with your subject
For further information about Careers Guidance in the Sixth Form please WGS Further guidance
Oxfordshire Apprenticeshipsprovides thorough guidance on apprenticeships available in the local area.
Not going to uni A key starting point for students who would like to enter directly into the world of work and gives guidance on the next steps.
Useful Links:
Clearing and Adjustment
University Rankings
Updated: October 2023