Latest Ofsted Report

Wood Green School was last inspected on 12th March 2019. This was a short inspection, and we are delighted to report that the inspectors concluded that:

‘The school continues to be good’.

The inspection focussed on just a few key areas of school and therefore the report does not cover the full range of what is on offer at Wood Green. However, everything the inspectors saw were very positive so they could conclude that we were good in all areas. We were particularly pleased that the inspectors did grasp our ethos and recognised that we want to challenge all students in their learning but also develop the ‘whole child’. A few of the many positive comments include:

  • The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the school became an academy in February 2017.
  • You effectively balance your drive to improve standards with the well-being of staff and pupils.
  • Pupils are welcoming and friendly.
  • Pupils enjoy learning and feel that teachers help them to do their best. 
  • Pupils feel sufficiently challenged in their lessons.
  • Pupils enjoy participating in the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer as part of the school's intent for pupils to become 'well-rounded, caring citizens'. 

View our full report here

Read our previous full Ofsted inspection report from June 2015